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The four areas (affective, social, cognitive and identity) that I think is more relevant to me is cognitive. The most important thing that I learned from my PLN is that I learn by observing others. I'm more of a lurker on social media sites, I like other's thoughts and ideas, but I rarely share mines. However, I will share other people's stories or ideas. I like to connect with others, and I would like to start engaging more with other like-minded people. The tool that I find most valuable for finding professional knowledge is LinkedIn because it allows me to access information that's relevant and beneficial to me. 

Furthermore, had the pleasure of doing the five-factor personality test, which was very thought-provoking. According to psychologist, these traits underlie personality. They are extraversion, openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. I believe that our personality makes us who we are. Knowing our personality types and accepting it can help us to better understand ourselves and the people around us. How we cope in life is based on our personality. The test assessed my personality and the traits that I identified with. My scores (percentages) on each of the five factors of personality was extraversion 60%, openness to experience 79%, Conscientiousness 85%, Agreeableness 82%, and Neuroticism 55%.  According to my results, I am more conscientiousness than anything. I can agree with this particular result because I am diligent, reliable, and highly organized. I'm good at setting goals and working towards them. I usually always achieve my goals despite short term obstacles that I may encounter. My next highest score was agreeableness. I have an optimistic view on most things, I'm a kind person that loves helping others and I'm also a very considerate person. My lowest score was neuroticism, I can have feelings of frustration at times and become moody and even get anxious about things. I'm a work in progress and I strive to better myself every day. 


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